Sunday, August 9, 2015

BOOK REVIEW - A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas

Hey there!

Several folks have been reviewing this book on booktube and have been recommending it on Goodreads. I thought about purchasing it but there are so many books that I want to purchase and my paycheck only goes so far. I just decided to check it out from my local library instead.

A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas is a Beauty and the Beast fantasy type novel. Because her family falls on hard times, Feyre (a 19 year old human) hunts to help support her family. During one of her hunts she kills a huge wolf. But, the wolf isn't just any old wolf. In true B&TB fashion, because of what she does, the beast (Tamlin, an immortal faerie) takes her from her family and makes her live with him at his estate.

Feyre isn't truly a prisoner and of course, as she gets to know Tamlin (and the rest of the faeries on his estate) she falls in love with him. And, Tamlin, because he has to deal with Feyre every day, falls in love with her. Tamlin shows her that many of the ideas that she had about Faeries aren't true and shows her the beauties (and dangers) of the Faerie world. Of course, just as Feyre realizes that she loves Tamlin, danger ensues.

I enjoyed the characters. Feyre is a strong young woman. She's had to take care of her family for so long, that she is much older than her 19 years. Tamlin is a strong as well but I wish we had seen a bit more into his thoughts. We had to guess how he felt about Feyre.

The other characters in this book are well thought out and fit along nicely with the story. They are used to tell Tamlin's story as well as the history of the faeries and other mythical creatures that are in danger.

The pace of the book is nice. I don't like books that go from slow to super fast. This one kept a great a good pace except for maybe 2 places where it goes a bit fast.

I started reading the book on the train to work, so I read about an hour's worth for 2 days. Then, I began reading Chapter 4 and flew through the rest of the book in about 5 hours. I couldn't put this book down. A lot was going on so I had to make sure I read (almost) every word.

I really enjoyed this book. I was hoping that I would. I haven't read much Young Adult because I have problems with teens that have very adult adventures. This one is considered to be New Adult. That made me feel a bit better about love scenes -- not a lot better, just a bit better.

I give this book 4 1/2 stars. It was that good. I have to wait until 2016 for the next book. I'll make sure when I pick it up, I have a free Saturday and Sunday to read this.

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