Monday, September 21, 2015


Hey there!

I really had to think about whether or not I wanted to participate in the Read Your Book Shelf A Thon #6. The last BookTube read a thon left me tired, sleepy and cranky. I didn't want the same fate this time. So, after mapping out a plan of attach, I decided to participate! But, this time I decided to go easy on myself. If I finish everything, great. If not, that's ok too.

Let's backup. What's the RYBSAT or Read Your Book Shelf A Thon? Well you are supposed to pick a spot on your bookshelf and start reading books from that point onward. You are seeing just how many books you can read from September 22nd through September 29th.

I chose the section of my TBR bookshelf that houses books I need to read that either aren't mine or I need to pass along to someone else or for some other reason, I really, really need to read them.

So, what am I reading for this challenge? So glad you asked...

1. The Dukes Guide to Correct Behavior by Megan Frampton is a book that I need to read for book club. My book club meeting is in a month so no real rush but I have three books that I need to read so...

2. Hungers Mate by A.C. Arthur belongs to a coworker. I've had it in my work desk drawer for about 5 month so I really need to get it back to her.

3. The Last Cowboy in Texas by Katie Lane also kinda belongs to that same coworker. She brought books to the book club from a readers/writer conference and I was supposed to read this one and pass it along. It's time to hurry that up.

4. The Royal We by Heather Cocks & Jessica Morgan was a birthday gift (from April). Again, my birthday was in April. I don't need to say more.

5. SHADA The Lost Adventures by Douglass Adams. This one is a library book so I only have 3 weeks to read it anyway. I love Doctor Who (as I'm writing this, I'm getting ready to go meet folks to watch the season premier) and this one will get read.

So you see, there is no real urgency to read many of the books on my TBR shelves but these probably need to get read soon. This is the perfect excuse to get it done!

Again, this challenge is September 22nd through September 29th. I am so ready to hop to it. These books will get read during this time (well, some of these books will get read).

This is the perfect time to get some books off of you TBR shelf. I only allotted 5 books but I have 12 times (plus) that on my shelf (and don't get me started about my Kindle!). Are you participating in the read a thon? It's a good time to get some books off that shelf!

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